Technologies & Solutions
2FA enabled fallback authentication (using Spring Security) (204)
Mihael Sedmak - Agency04
Hall B
Duration: 45'
A Change-Data-Capture use-case: designing an evergreen cache (110)
Nicolas Fränkel - Hazelcast
Hall A
A fun and absurd introduction to Vector Databases (212)
Alexander Chatzizacharias - JDriven
Abstractions: The good and the bad (205)
Adam Hosman - EPAM Systems d.o.o.
Alpinism and Software development are the same (219)
Daniel Bara - SV Group
Analog cloud (203)
Marino Debeljuh - HPB
Apache Spark: the Delta Variant (109)
Petar Zečević - SV Group d.o.o.
Architecting real-time cloud collaboration systems (110)
Vuk Marković - EPAM
Automate Deployments, Terraform Infrastructure and Run Furiously Fast Cloud-Native Java (108)
Ivan Delic - Oracle Hrvatska d.o.o.
Backend for Front-end: why and how? (104)
Nicolas Fränkel - Apache APISIX
Building a specialized cloud from scratch in our data centers (101)
Matej Baćo - Form 3
Building REST microservices with Kotlin (Ktor) (310)
Ivan Sokol - HT
Hall C
Cloud Deployment Options for your Java Applications (101)
Marek Kratky - Oracle Czech Republic
Cloud-native razvoj: što sve može OpenShift Part 1 (111-1)
Radoslav Lešić - King ICT
Hrvoje Rudeš - KING ICT
Jasmin Štrkonjić - KING ICT
Cloud-native razvoj: što sve može OpenShift Part 2 (111-2)
Covariance and seven OOPLs (405)
Zlatko Sirotić - ISTRA TECH d.o.o.
Hall D
Creating Spring Boot Native Images with help of GraalVM Tracing Agent (407)
Matej Nedić - IBM
Deploy and update Jakarta EE & MicroProfile applications at light speed with Paketo (105)
Jamie Coleman - IBM
Duration: 45 min'
Describe once, run wherever… (308)
Iuliana Cosmina - Cloudsoft
Developing Custom SonarQube Rules for Java (404)
Martin Gluhak - IBM iX
Developing GraphQL APIs with Spring (203)
Maciej Walkowiak - Self Employed
Empowering your data with ChatGPT (203)
Eugen Božić - AVL AST d.o.o.
FHIR in eHealth systems (208)
Milos Stefanovic - Serengeti d.o.o
Grafana and Prometheus - monitoring and alerting (309)
Sanjin Kurelić - Croz d.o.o.
Harness the Power of a Single Database for Microservices (211)
Franck Pachot - Yugabyte
Healing Healthcare - creating an inventory management system (304)
Aleksandar Stoisavljević - NovaCode d.o.o.
How I beat The Lady Luck? (311)
How to secure Kafka cluster using OAUTH (105)
Miroslav Čerkez - CROZ d.o.o.
How to Write an API Gateway Plugin in Java (211)
Bobur Umurzokov -
Infrastructure as Java code (208)
Miljen Stanković - LIBUSOFT CICOM d.o.o.
Introduction to data streaming (K2)
Java logging with Loki and Grafana (201)
Marin Kalapać - Trilix d.o.o.
Kafka Universe - End-to-End Streaming Data Pipelines (302)
Igor Buzatović - Porsche Digital Croatia d.o.o.
Kotlin and The Cool Features We Used (209)
Patrik Durasek - Microblink
Let’s create a Cryptocurrency with Java (112)
Peter Abel Nagy - EPAM Systems
MicroK8s and Quarkus: Best things come in small packages. (102)
Anamarija Talijanac - True North
Ivan Munić - Agency04
Micronaut on GraalVM - things we encountered and solved (103)
Krešimir Horvat - Microblink
Microservices and Databases, a Smart combination (310)
Pieter De Visser - PDVBV
Od tipfelera do uspješne dostave koristenjem fuzzy pretrage (208)
Josip Mihaljević - BISS
Antun Štabarković - BISS
Overview of the Databricks Platform (210)
Petar Zečević - Poslovna inteligencija
Reactive architecture (212)
Saša Ivičević - Serengeti
Real-time complex data analytics and machine learning by using Apache Spark and StreamSets Transformer (203)
Josip Pojatina - Hrvatski Telecom
REST vs. GraphQL vs. gRPC – Which API to Choose? (205)
Daniel Strmečki - IBM iX
Dominik Lacković - IBM iX
Running Open Cloud-Native Java at Light Speed with Open Liberty (109)
Duration: 45 mins'
Security in the cloud (205)
Krzysztof Pawlowski - Merapar Technologies
Selenium AI - Selenium, WireMock and ChatGPT (302)
Sanjin Kurelić - RIWARE DEVELOPMENT d.o.o.
Spring Boot application on AWS Fargate (305)
Spring Boot on Amazon Web Services with Spring Cloud AWS (104)
Starting Apache APISIX on the right foot Part 1 (408-1)
Starting Apache APISIX on the right foot Part 2 (408-2)
Streaming with ksqlDB (308)
Ivan Turčinović - Inovativni trendovi d.o.o.
The Microservices Smackdown: Data (K3)
Andres Almiray - Oracle
The Next Frontier in Open Source Java Compilers: Just-In-Time Compilation as a Service (110)
Rich Hagarty - IBM
The Well-Gardened Code - practicing the Art of Refactoring (303)
Martin Blažević - Leapwise
Transportation network in graph database (403)
Marijo Maračić - FIVE - Pet minuta d.o.o
Troubleshooting Spring Boot applications with Sentry (201)
Maciej Walkowiak - Independent
What did I learn by migrating IT systems? (202)
Stjepan Matijasevic - Biss d.o.o.
What the hell is service mesh anyway !? (106)
Mohammed Aboullaite - Spotify
Core Java
Will Java allow hardware-specific code? (107)
Aleksander Radovan - BISS / HUJAK
Branko Mihaljević - RIT Croatia / HUJAK
Zero-downtime deployment on Kubernetes with Hazelcast (107)