About Service Orientated Enterprises, and how to create a desireable future of society.


Keynote speech

Date and time

Monday, 07. May 2018., 19:45


Hall A



When we tech guys talk about Service Orientation, we immediately think of SOA, web services and so on. But that's only the IT part.Starting with the question "What is a Service Oriented Enterprise?", I want to turn your attention to the bigger picture. A picture that shows up how companies can evolve new cultures, becoming sustainable and successful.Having suffered sufficiently from various methodologies, buzzwords and trends, I will line out - and in this short time can only scratch on the surface - which changes will really be significant for us - as a company and individually.

Lecture details

Type: Keynote speach
Level of difficulty: General
Experience Level: No experience
Desirable listeners function: All , Owner or Board member , Developer
Group of activity: Keynote speach

About speaker

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