Abstractions: The good and the bad


Tehnologije & rješenja

Datum i vrijeme

ponedjeljak, 16. svibanj 2022., 15:55


Dvorana B



The concept of abstraction is a bit… abstract. What is it actually? A concept of object-oriented programming? A Java keyword? An artistic style? Or a phenomenon that surrounds us in everyday life and everyday code – something we could not create any software without?
 You too create abstractions every day, often without realizing it. But not all abstractions are created equal. What makes a good abstraction, and what makes a bad one? Let's explore together and widen our understanding of this core concept.

Detalji o predavanju

Način održavanja: Osobno prisustvo
Vrsta: Predavanje
Grupa aktivnosti: Tehnologije & rješenja

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